
These style should go on sale early next month in the USA and available to other distributors right after. You can go - Products - AjamSonic Super Styles for more information by then.

Price is still to be determined, but we hope to keep it under $300.00 for the whole package of over 700 styles (140 brand new and 560 Remixed with new Audio Guitars, Bass lines ... etc). We think many folks who play American Standards, songs from the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's and Western Music in general will truly appreciate this package for their SD7, SDx and SDyx, especially since many American musicians and studio Engineers where involved in creating the Audio Elements of these styles. They were "pricy" to get into the studio, but we hope it turns out to be well worth the effort.

You'll let us know that for sure.....

Design Engineer & Product Specialist.