Nothing like a bit of Voodoo.

A number of videos were recorded about a week ago, and are being edited for publishing on YouTube over the coming weeks, with the ones posted above being the first 2.

If you see Real in front of a style, then the drums are audio loops played by a real drummer. (A feature added about 16 years ago by both Wersi & Ketron)

Look out in the coming weeks, as a new flagship OAX organ will be introduced, (Presumably being based on the recently released OAX800 model) along with the new V1.20 software. (Due to increased hardware controls, the OAX800 will require software V1.20 for them to be recognised)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).