For me I love the "LIVE" sound Roland BK9 has,.....after all you don't need much more then this KB offers for gigging, surly has a lot going for it. It seems Roland products are made for the "Player" vs the home enthusiast,.......just add an iPad or if needed a Vh unit and your good to go. The size, weight, 76 keybed, Sounds, Styles, Mic input w/fx, great style library, audio keys, etc,.. ....was I sleeping all this time with Yamaha blinders on?
& being Roland ignorant, especially after talking to some great BK9 players like Fran & Bill Lewis about the BK9?
The BK-9 is now on my Radar...

OMG am I becoming a Roland player again? cool2

Edited by Dnj (02/19/16 06:03 AM)