Originally Posted By: Dnj
I asked your questions to Yamaha. No, you cannot use both the USB midi and the actual midi ins and outs at the same time. It's one or the other.
There are no SA voices on the Montage"
George Kaye

Thanks for linking Donny, i missed that answer,,...

I was affraid of that answer after reading the manuall..
having to choose between physical and USB midi seems a huge mistake.
The Tyros 5 seems ahead in many many ways
Also not having SA2 (as i asume thats what he asked)is somewhat dissapointed.. the list of things that should have been in this instrument grows.. which again is dissapointed for a $4000 instrument.

The only real fresh thing in the instrument is the interface, the Analogue soundboard processing, the Motion sequencer (espescially the lanes part) and the envelope following..
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
