First off, want to say hi, and second just bought a Korg Poly-61, for $170.00 from a drummer in New York. (third one I have owned) Also have a Korg KS-61 on back order from Sweetwater.

ED: You are right, it is better to own more then one keyboard.

Studio is slowly comming together, need to replace my single "X" stand, with one that will hold three. Also need to invest in a good mixer, used preferably. As well as a good software sequencer.

There are some other synths I would love to aquire. Espically a moog, not just a mini, any moog, well at least one that I could afford. Would love to own an Ion, Nord Lead, MS2000, TR-61 or X50, EPS-61+, the Korg Legacy Collection. List is endless.

I'm not sure, but I think I am starting to go gear crazy.