The previously imposed two year time limit is hereby permanantly uplifted. Additionally a pardon is given to all.
It's a free for all now, so pass me some of that.
A real long time ago I got a Magnus organ for 50 cents and converted it into a smokeless ashtry. It worked for years. Then I quit smoking, and Dixie snipped the cord (her little way of saying this now belongs to me) and she thinks she turned it into a planter. I had painted it with Glasso car paint years ago sort of a Waldorf yellow. It was a fine paint job and is holding up. I think...yes there are Easter lillys in it now and is indirectly still serving.

PS Recently a friend came by and before entering threw his cigarette butt in the Magnus planter (formerly an ashtray). She happened to see him do it and came in with a grouchy pout telling me while holding the butt and I tried not to but just couldn't keep from laughing as my friend said he thought it was an ashtray. For the first two seconds I got a blank stare and then she busted out laughing too. From time to time a friend might ask about my Magnus ashtray and it makes me laugh as I tell them , 'oh, yeah it's right outside on the porch'.

[This message has been edited by Morphamatik (edited 02-14-2003).]