Originally Posted By: Henni
No other arranger manufacturer does this. Believe it or not, Ketron released an OS update for the Audya that no longer allows the use of 3rd party styles on it. Only styles packaged by Ketron direct can play on the units with the new OS.

I have NEVER experienced anything like this. To work around it, one has to try to locate another version of the OS, which is not available anywhere except those lucky enough to get it before it was removed. It seems as if it is not at all available for certain Audya models.

Knowing Ketron, this does not bother them at all. So, something to keep in mind & to be on the lookout for when considering purchasing an Audya unit.


From all i have heared Ketron is in financial troubles, this may be the ladt nail of their Coffin..

If i was in the market for a new arranger, if this is true the way you say it, i would stay far away from Ketron forever..

Just cant believe this true, you cant take away something people used to be able to do with a software update that also repairs bugs.. Sony tried this once when they removed the abbility to run a Linux OS on playstation 3 and they lost several lawsuits about that and hadt to both pay lots of money and reverse it..

Inagine a performing musician not able to use half his setups after a software update, and having to go on stage 2 hours later...
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
