My music career would have been over about 8 yrs ago had it not been for finding a good audiologist.
I was playing a job at an American Legion, when one of the former members of the Monkees approached me and said I was killing the audience due to my high EQ settings
and occasional feedback. The EQ sounded fine to me and I didn't hear any feedback....but looking at the settings on the mixer, it was clear I had all the highs turned
up way too high. That's the way I needed it to hear the high notes.

It was obvious that I would have to hang up music if I didn't find a solution. I found a really good audiologist and had a comprehensive test which showed dramatic loss
of ability to hear anything in the high register. After getting GOOD hearing aids I could hear the TV at normal levels, didn't ask people to repeat everything they said to me...
and most important....started hearing my music the way the audience was hearing it.

Another Zoner and local musician friend of mine (Hi Ron) had the problem way before me and and was instrumental in calming my fears of using hearing aids.

Good hearing aids are priceyt....but take that price and divide it by the number of days the audiologist expects the hearing aids to last. In my case, my last set ended up costing me
50 cents per day. To me, that was a bargain.
