Originally Posted By: Bachus
Originally Posted By: vangelis
I am a musician for over 30 years, and 70 percent of my gear was always and still is KORG, now the complaint that I have is, I have a Korg Pa800 and I need the CPU board, and the part is discontinued, what are we supposed to do? throw it in the garbage? companies like Korg should at least have parts for at least 10 years? now if I were to call Roland and ask a part for a 1984 FP8 for example would probably still have the part. Do they think we are that stupid to keep supporting these companies? In order to get support you can only email KORG? why can't I talk to a real person? too much to pay one?
Maybe I should re-evaluate? I am very unsatisfied and probably there are many fellow musician that are probably in the same situation?

Get a Kronos... its open market CPu boards.. i recently bought 2 spare boards including CPU and memmory for €30 each.. i save them for later..

the problem with old hardware parts is that Korg also buys them, and when they are no longer available and Korg runs out of stock its over and out.. Roland produces its own hardware boards, or so i believe..

Another thing is that not all dealers are allways honest, you should make sure to inquire at Korg itselves for your parts.. Did you mail Korg US?

Also make sure to have friends in other (preferably european) countries inform about the part with their Korg representatives.. it could even be possible that the stuff is out of stock in your country and the Korg representatives in your Country dont deem it worthy to get new stock..

Bachus, what country in Europe do you live? these parts for the KRONOS are really cheap, I don't think they cost that much here in the US? by the way a few years ago ,I needed a power supply for a Triton rack and in the US it was over 100 bucks and in Greece I got it for 25 Euro,go figure when the instruments are a lot more in Europe.

Edited by vangelis (08/07/15 02:20 AM)
Currently main setup on stage are:KORG PA4X,PA1000