Hi Snoopy,I know very well AJ and he is a very good sound enginer and he have work hard to update the audya that sound great,I thing is the pendrive 2011 the problem.
Lets wait for AJ
Has for the green exit light on the new update, if I press exit the green light dont light,althought on the version 5.0a the green light open.
Snoopy can you tell me why that you put back the version 5.2 because I dont see it in the web page ketron web site I see only 5.0a
I am asking you this question (very important for me) because when I purchase my new audya5 in february 2015 the version on the screen was 5.0E
And now 5.3c
Thanks in advance
ketron sd9,Technics KN7000,monitors Adam tv8, Yamaha Mixer