As most of you know, by now. Radio Shcak has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Which means a restructuring, or reorganising. So, a vast number of stores, plus the parent company are being shut down. However, there are some that will continue to operate. As they are independntly owned Francsies. Simiallr to one in my home towne. It's actually up the street from where I live. They still sell electronic parts ( breadboards, resistors, capsiotrs..etc) Electronic test learning kits. What I also noitced is they sell Little Bits circut bulding kits. And are selling the KORG Little Bits synth Kit. for $159. 00. Almost bought one.

Also SPRINT wireless will be taking over the Cell Phone divsion of Radio Shack. Whihc means there will be mini SPRINT stores, in the remaining Radio Shack stores.

I still remeber Radio Shcak from the 1970's and 1980's. The Stereo Systems, with the flashing light box attachments. Moog Music building the Realistic MG-1 Synthesizer. Getting a free Battery with the Free Battery card. All of those old science lab electronic kits. Mad out of plastic and cardboard. With the tiny spings to connect wires.

Anyway, if there is Radio Shcak near you that, is not closing. Stop in and check them out. You will be plesently surrpised.
