This is a sharp little Korean made George Benson model. He's playing it on tour right now. Ibanez is making pretty good low end stuff these days.

It is a full hollow, 16 1/2" bout, with a body depth somewhere between a 335 and a 175. That will help with feedback.

It's got that GB "bite". Has gold hardware, which I may change out...doesn't hold up too well on a daily player.
Won't gain much value (read ANY), but at a map of $1099.99, it
s a real winner.

I'm playing it thru a Hendrickson Jazz amp tonight. George Benson is currently using a GB Fender, which is a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe with some minor refinements. I'll play it through a 70's bassman head with a custom 2 x 12" cabinet (two Black Widow speakers).

Also picked up an Orange tiny terror, a 2 lb little monster. Needed it for a recording project and left it in my office with a 10" speaker. At $149.00 it's a killer!

Take a look! These are my daily players, for right now!
