Originally Posted By: Geniek
Originally Posted By: Bachus
Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
Originally Posted By: Bachus
I wouldnt call $5 a style that cheap....

What would you consider a fair price?


Depends on a fair price overthere in Poland, or overhere in the western world...

Over in Poland a mormal job makes $2 an hour., but then i had a 3 course meal in a restaurant there for $4 last summer.. Then 5$ is about 2,5 hour of work... Really 18 zloties is a fair amount of money in Poland... It would be the same as a price of $30 a style overhere in the Western world....

Overhere in Holland i would consider $7 to be a fair price for a single style, depending on the quallity and the orriginallity.. Which again makes $5 not really cheep...

When i buy style packs at Yamaha when they are on discount, the single styles cost less then $5

Bacchus you have outdated information
2$ in Poland does not earn a man collecting garbage, earns more....
Stereotypes ....
In Poland, a good dinner for two person costs 40 euros ( not 4 euros)
Maybe you like McDonalds, Big Mac costs 4 euros (one person wink )

Really? So a Big Mac in Poland is more expensive then here in Holland?

I was in Northern Poland with our fammily, and with 8 people we could eat for 40 euros in a small restaurant along the road, where many truckers also eat. They had good food and indeed where much cheeper then Mc Donnalds..
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
