I basically use some factory styles the rest third party for so many reasons.....I use about 20 GOTO sounds total...features Vocal processor for small gig setups otherwise I use FX in my Mixers,, VH2 very little, KB lyric readout very seldom when needed...otherwise my Laptop, Mp3 player again small gigs otherwise my Laptop, style creator to tweak and change parts, sounds, etc, Mixing console for EQ, etc,..that's basically it as the S950 and mostly all of the arrangers out today don't have what I personally need navigationaly on-board at this time that would make me use more of its features.....each company makes something the other doesn't have & believe me I've tried almost all of them.....so you weigh YOUR needs and with some good "workarounds" choose your instrument and go play it! I hope things change quick while I'm still on this earth....
just sayin"

Edited by Dnj (10/09/14 07:37 AM)