I want to transfer some of my SMFs over to audio so I can more easily use them with my SK1. I have the s950 and the BK7m as sound engines. Both will record a SMF into a .wav file. They both will playback wav or mp3, as will the SK1.

My questions are: 1. should I record direct from one of the arrangers to a USB drive and then play as a wav file or should I change the wav to an mp3 file (I have the means to do that). 2. Should I use a different recorder, ala Sonar LE or some other similar program? What additional equipment would I need? Which software program would you recommend? 3. What if I wanted to add some vocals or instruments? Can I do that separately after the instrumental audio is recorded? What would you suggest in that case?

Thanks in advance for your helpful advice.
Riding on the Avenue of Time