Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
Donny, I worked for the Maryland State Police in 1961 - we didn't make up fines on the spot! That's BS.

Now, lets get to the cars. Are you trying to tell me that texting while driving is SAFE? And, I don't know about your GPS, but mine, after in input the destination, provides vocal instructions - I never look at it or touch the screen. In fact, you cannot do anything with the screen when the car is moving and the device is activated in the safety mode.

I don't change radio stations, I don't mess with CDs, and I don't even own a texting device other than my desktop PC. So, I guess I don't fit into any of those insane categories of doing things while driving other than driving. Hey, this isn't rocket science - it's common sense.

Now, those red light cameras, at least those where in the vicinity of where I live, cut down red light running accidents by 90 percent. Hey, there were a lot of folks prior to the cameras that figured red lights and stop signs were just suggestions and that they didn't have to do those things if no one were looking. Sure, the city makes a few bucks on it, so does the camera company, but you know what if that red light camera stops some ahole from running a red light and killing one of my family members in the process, it's well with the expense and aggravation it causes to the ahole who does these things.

And, now, from the world of technology, if you think you can get away with texting and talking with a non-hands-free mobile device, think again. The cop doesn't have to stop you - he can just fire up his dash cam, shoot the photo of you using the device in your moving car, record the license number, speed, time of day, day, month, all in high-resolution digital photography, and mail you the $120 citation. Lots of luck on trying to get away with that one, even if you take it to court. smile

Think about what you wrote above, Donny. Just because these things are available, doesn't make them smart, or give you, or anyone, the right to use them in an unsafe manner. It's no different that driving your car at unsafe speeds above the speed limit because the car has that ability. Unfortunately, it's not always the drive, or user of the device, that is adversely affected. A lot of innocent people are often killed as a result of this. Don't think so - maybe you should watch the video again.

Gary cool

Gary think again.......these car manufactures install all these options in today's cars.....like in dash touchscreen GPS, and all the tech savvy crap that goes with a visual command center in your dash board....you think they worry about what the consequences are they know people will be fooling around with all this stuff, pushing buttons on all this gadgetry while they are driving!....
not to mention all the girls I see every morning putting on eye makeup while driving and fixing their hair etc,.....people are people and will do everything they aren't supposed to do that's the point...they know that and love writing tickets....every year it increases....it's a freaking Zoo out there.
And that's without the drunks......your gonna tell me that people in every bar in the world just have one drink? then drive home? give me a break the average bar patron drinks 3 or more drinks of whatever and more..if they wanted to they could park out side any bar and arrest 95% of customers for DUI.....all over the legal limit.......designated driver my A$$ !! Also did you hear POT is legal in some states also, Great combined with a few shots of Jack Daniels depth charges in a glass of Guinness and Bonzai & Whooooopppppiiiieeeeee! dance2 ??
There's only so many officers out there against millions of wrong doers....sadly it's only gonna get worse..

Keep your eyes open and WORRY what the OTHER Guy is doing while driving I say!