Originally Posted By: Bachus
Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
Bachus, most of us have, at least at one time in our lives, had stacked keyboards. And, for the most part, those of us that have been there and done that will never, ever go back to that configuration again. Fortunately, today's arranger keyboards, MOTL and TOTL have everything we need in a single package.

I could be wrong, though, wink

Gary cool

Currently i am set up with just a T5 ( i traded it, with some extra money for my PA3x last week)

Oh yes... I am really enjoying my T5 right now, i fell in love with the possibilities of the ensemble voices... Its so much fun... Yet i bought the T5, knowing that there eventually would be a big 88 key brother.. But i have learned from the past, that one of the things i like, and the main reason i change keyboards a lot, is the fact that i just love discovering new features and learning how to tame the new beast.. And lately i have accepted this fact... Not being a gigging musician makes it quite easy to change keyboards.

Bachus, Do you miss the Pa3x? I have a Pa3x and the T5 and as much as I like the T5, not sure I could do without the Pa3x. Some days I'll sit at the T5 and think WOW what an arranger, then the next day I play the Pa3x and think why haven't I been playing this beast in a few days? If I had to give one up the decision would be difficult.