Originally Posted By: Peder150
Hello again! Got up again the error today!

I discovered now that it may have something to do with the setting "Bass two chord" in the Keyboard/Accordion menu. I have set this to "On" on a number of my registrated songs (105 in total)

When I set this back to "Off" audya worked ok again. It's a fact that the songs having crashed lately has the setting "On". Hope I have found the cause of the error? That would make me happy !!!


I have sometimes the same problem but not with the Audya 4 with the Audya itself. Same problem you play a song, and then all of a sudden it hangs in the same way you discribing. I have also no solution for this, have you tried it to push the 2 buttons Slow & Fast simultaniously, it could help at least that you not have to restart the device.
