Hey Aud,

How does it feel being married to a Grandpa and did he get any ideas after you read my post to him in the morning. In case you don't know it, I'm married to a grandma. I didn't notice any differance when Ruthie went from ma to grandma. The only thing I found is I had to become a little more creative. You know Aud, your not a bad writer yourself. Did you ever consider writing a column on this forum to give advice to all the ma's turning grandmas? I would be willing to have a question and answer thing here also to complement your helpful hints column for grandmas. Maybe we could get someone on the forum to consider addressing the transition period from just plain ma or pa to the realm of grandhood and the part keyboards play in this transition period. This could develop into a sales promotion idea we could sell to the keyboard manufactures and make a tidy little sum of money for ourselves. Any volunteers for this job?

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug