Thanks everyone...your kind comments are greatly appreciated.

Fran, I've thought about trying to put lead ins for 7th and Aug chords, especially for these slow jazz ballads...I think it can be done on Tyros4 but I'm not sure.

The thing is, I may not want a bass lead in or a walk up every time I play a 7th or Aug, so it may not be always useful unless I can find a way to have it trigger them only when I want them, perhaps if they are only activated when preceded by a certain chord type.

If I was playing the organ and bass pedals I would do it without hardly thinking about it, but in that case, I have full control over when I want it regardless of what chord I'm playing.

On the Tyros4, I tend to stick to using Style Assembly and Groove & Dynamics rather than program from scratch by playing the line in...basically, it's because it's easier and I'm rather lazy.

But, yes, I do understand what you are talking about.. and it is a valid point, to be sure.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.