Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
I'm considering getting Band In A Box if a certain opportunity presents itself in late summer or early fall.

I still remember using the the first, or at least very early, versions of the program at the Music World store in Newfoundland many years ago...it would still be quite useful today, and it only had drums, bass, guitar piano and strings and we used a then new Roland Sound Canvas with it. Even back then the bass lines had that human quality to them.

Compared to these latest versions, the version we had would be like comparing a Model T to a new Lexus.

I was very impressed with the specs and demos of the 2014 version.

You must be having a great time with it, Dan. I think the lead sheet feature is super cool.


I am indeed having a blast with it, Ian, and I've only just begun to explore its capabilities. My first Band In A Box experience was with an early Windows (or maybe even DOS, I can't recall) version and my old Roland CM32L module. Things have come a long way with modern VST technology and audio tracks and more processor horsepower.

One feature I found particularly useful is the ability to drag tracks directly from Band In A Box into my DAW package. This feature alone is worth the price to me, and it does so much more, too.
Is this thing on? Hello?