Greetings Rael,
What are your experiences in recording....are we starting from scratch here??
If so, and you wish to go 4 track because of budget limitations and you want to get a basic feel for recording....How it works and more importantly, why it works... I might suggest a used MK4, or Fostex X18, Tascam Portastudio, something like that. Computer set-ups are all very nice, but what's the point of letting a machine do everything for you and not let you learn the basics.
My own personal advice...learn the basics on an analogue system, like one of the three above...then move on to digital, when your comfortable, not when someone says you have to.
I know this reply is gonna generate a lotta flack, but be careful not to fall into the "I'll Do It All For Ya" trap.
Just My Thots..
Good Luck...Leon