Hi Scott,

This is an excellent post of yours, thank you so much, I was really wondering what audio styles the T5 featured and if any were taken from the S950, seems like there hasn't been any that I can see.

It's a nice mix but if I had bought a T5 I would have been slightly disappointed with the lack of new ballad styles in the audio section, the S950 is even worse with only two and they're quite average.

If the T5 featured an option where all the internal styles had had audio drums (even styles taken from previous Tyros models) I may have considered a T5 but for what I play (mainly ballads, soft, chillout music) the T5 unfortunately hasn't progressed any further than the T4 in this department alone which was what I was really looking forward to! Maybe in T6 they'll create some nice chillout/ambient styles.