Thanks for the complements everyone. I just returned from cruising the Chesapeake Bay's upper reaches on my sailboat for the past four days with my wife. She wasn't sure she could physically handle the trip, but she came through with flying colors.

Of course, the secret to making this trip successful was to cook her breakfast every morning, fix her drinks, cook supper every night, and find neat anchorages where we were out of the weather and comfortable. Those starlit nights were just wonderful while sitting in the boat's cockpit and sipping our favorite beverages. The boat is pretty comfortable, and I made it a bit more comfortable for her by purchasing a special, air mattress that fit perfectly in the dinette bunk area. Yep, I even made her bed for her every night of the trip.

The sailing was great, the weather couldn't have been any better, and I have another open slot next weekend, so I hope to have a repeat performance. After that, though, the schedule is booked solid through the end of the year. Some days you wonder how much longer you can last, but this is something none of us ever really know - which is somewhat scary. We had the opportunity to meet up with my son and his new girlfriend, who is a drop-dead, gorgeous lady who is a professor in a local university. She is originally from England, has a charming British accent, and looks like she in only in her 20s, though she is much older. When she watched me scamper up to the main deck and hoist the boat's main sail, she said "Wow! You are incredibly agile and I was amazed at how easily you hauled up that immense sail." Love those kind of complements from relatively young gals. Later that day I had her sailing the boat while I prepared some snacks in the galley below decks.

Russ, the boat's really not that big, but it is comfortable and you are always welcome aboard anytime you are in this part of the world. And, I sincerely wish to thank you for initiating this thread in my behalf.

Thanks again,

Gary (The old sailor)

PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)