Thanks Ian. I did practice the phrasing for quite a while to get the right touch especially for the Violin. I also spent a while selecting the right accompaniment.

Diki, thanks for listening and commenting. The Classical Flute on the T3 does have a little too much vibrato so I agree with you but it's the best flute sound I have. As for the Trumpet I went for a very soft classical sound and programmed the voice that way without the "bite" you mentioned. So it's a choice I made and not indicative of the T3 Trumpet sound which as an SA2 Voice can have quite a lot of "bite".

Amazingly that Violin voice is a the General Midi Violin voice on the Motif XF. I love it. I did have to tweek the EQ and Velocity a bit to get the sound I wanted.
Tyros 3, Motif XF6, Quad Amp/Pre-Amp/DAC, Quad Monitors, Tascam Digital Recorder