Mark... if this is your first exposure to Micheal Bublé, and you have heard the name for years, you aren't really listening to much, are you?!

Whether you like him or not, staying on top of who is new, who is hot, who is not, is part of being a musician and entertainer. This guy has been big for six to eight years, and you are only just listening?

Sinatra is dead. Get over it. If everyone is benchmarked against the greatest that ever lived, and discarded if not the equal, well, all there is is Sinatra, maybe Bennett, and Ella. I'm not sure I want to go through life listening ONLY to them!

Not to mention, if you or I get compared to the greatest that ever lived, we're going to come up pretty short too, aren't we? LOL

All Sinatra was was a great nightclub act before he became the sensation. And, to be honest, without the well orchestrated Bobby-Soxer teen hysteria for him during the 40's, he might never have become who he ended up as. You are rushing to judgement in the first few years of his career, as many did on Sinatra during his early days (not all his press was good!).

Given the musical scene these days, to have ANYONE appeal to the young with hip, masculine jazz is a miracle beyond what Sinatra achieved... at least he didn't have hip-hop, cell phones and a generation of short attention span idiots to work with. People LISTENED to music back then!

So far, it seems you are far more interested in letting us know what you DON'T like (or have a high regard for). How about finding something contemporary to let us know what you DO like (so we can all tear it apart!)? Mind you, that would mean actually LISTENING to modern music, which you appear not to do much of, if this is the first time you have given Bublé a try!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!