Originally Posted By: Diki
All updates are free... (was that what you meant?)

The iPad apps range from free to $5. Hardly going to break the bank.

Didn't the Abacus cost quite a bit to upgrade?

Roland Upgrade

It was price on application from dealers, which manifested as roughly $1200 in the US and £1500 in the UK.

As to the Abacus, which update/upgrade are you talking about as there have been many over 13 years (There’s been 46 in OAS 7 alone and that didn’t come out till 2005) not forgetting that the Abacus is part of the Organ Not Keyboard range.


English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).