Congratualtions, Gary...give yourself some time to get very familiar with it...and, I agree, the PSR-3000 is a tough act to follow.

Personally, I preferred the PSR-S910 as the S-950 only still has SA voices (like the former), the SA2 being exclusive to the Tyros line, but that's a personal and subjective choice.

I'm not sure if the S-950 has the SA Rock Sax, but I found it more useful than the Sweet!Growl Sax (although I do also like the ones on the Tyros4/S910) as you can add grit using the Mod wheel. Also, when I did use Sweet!Growl Sax, I had it set to monophonic mode.

I usually take at least a few days (or weeks, if possible) to get the arranger balanced and EQ'd for my style of playing, and since I started using an expression pedal (RH volume) for all my playing, it has made life much easier.

I'll be interested in how the instrument feels/sounds once you have had some time to set it up.

On another note (pun intended) I find the "Live!Grand Piano" superior to all the SA Grands, but again, it's a personal and subjective choice. I'm able to get just the right tone and punch using the Filter and Brightness controls in the Mixer.

Have fun!

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.