Thank you Leezone we have record audya main out ( left and right, signal goes thru Millennia chanel strip and Lucid converters ( analog -digital) hardware. The style is i think regge band 1 in Latin folder so first of all we have pan a gitars like one gitar 45 left and onother 45 right. So only guitar you can hear is that like solo guitar my friend has record, others are in original style from Ketron audya. Voice we have record with pro studio mic.
Yes you can post in general fourum and share with the world. We have record 11 covered songs for Cd. Audya is the best arranger instrument for me. smile ps...this video i have rec with my iphone 4 so only 1 min of video i have rec in studio..;)

Edited by blackberry821510 (03/11/13 02:44 PM)