I hear ya, but my thing has always been vocals first, so my keyboard really has to be a vocal amp as well. I'd rather use my antique i5s and hear the right vocal sound, than struggle to hear my voice while enjoying the improvements that the higher end kbs offer. My rig is really just a vehicle to allow me to sing - what I play never really mattered. All I need is a good solid bass, generic drum patterns and some sort of chord sound - Rhodes is at the top of that list.
My dream rig from the 80s had a real Rhodes suitcase with a Moog bass and a Roland synth midi'd to a Korg module on top. I've had all the drum machines, but the SR16 was the best for me.
That's all I need these new ones to do for my live stuff - the DJ/juke box aspects offer more fluff, and that's great too, but I'm a Rhodes, Bass, Drums guy with a singer.
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