I'll say one thing... never have a generation of 60+ year old musicians enjoyed so much fame and relevancy before. At least in popular music. The newer generation always swept the old guys out, played their asses off, and were in turn swept away.

If you think about it, the 60's and 70's are 40-50 YEARS ago. Now think of how much 'pop' music from the 1890's and 1900's was being played in the 1950's...? Or how much relevance anything from 1920 had in 1970.

The technology of easy song production has resulted in at least two generations of musicians that haven't been able to sweep their forebears away. Instead of shredding your way up the charts, you ProTools your way up, and bottom line - at some deep unconscious level, the audience knows it is fake. And they keep returning to the well of the 'real'.

Never before have the oldest generation of live musicians had so much respect and relevancy to the young.

God help us when they are gone!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!