Originally Posted By: tom moon
I sent back the 750 when I discovered this limitation.

I file it under "epic fail." besides, I didn't hear the EPs or some other bread/butter sounds as improved over the 710/910. at all.

kinda sad when it's more fun to play a casio arranger (WK7500) than a Yamaha...

Tom ...I think many people were anxiously awaiting a major change from the last S series units with the S950/750 and unfortunately that didn't happen quite as expected. These could be one of those interim "Skip it till next time' scenarios as they sound sop much like the previous units.
I don't think "Black" although an improvement will not be a solid reason for changing. These so called Audio Styles have yet to be a major break through sound wise as of what I've heard so far ...I may be wrong but can only judge from what I hear. I also hear there isn't much improvement in the MFD features also? I think anyone thinking S950 should go the extra step for a T4....good luck