Thank you for the feedback. Nothing helped or changed the situation at all.

Two months ago I ordered software delivered through the Post ofice. This cost 145 Britidh pounds which worked out to R2 200 including shipping. I received in within a month and had to pay R 200 when collecting at Post office. Roughly 10%

This time I bought same, value R 5 200. Supplier agrees to ship via UPS as this is quicker. I paid beforehand for shipping. On top of this, I now I have to pay in another R 2000 just to receive it, more than 30% extra.

On top of this, some person named Gift, working for Mass Cargo Freight Services, signs for receiption on my behalf. Now if this is not fraud, then what is...

One lesson learned in life, the more grace & compassion you show to others, the more life in general will take you for a ride wherever it can. The many promises one receives along the way serves no other purpose but to break your spirit even more.

Oh well, live & learn... NEVER, NEVER, NEVER UPS for anything to do with me again. I feel like being totally ripped off.

Keep well all,

Make sure you'll fly forever!