
I had 3 choices in my quest for a new arranger. Either a pre-owned PSR S910, the new PSR S950 or a pre-owned Tyros 4. I really couldn't make my mind up until tonight......and I've decided to go with the 910.

Basically, I have agreed a price of £720 for the keyboard. I don't think the 950 will be worth £1000 more....and there isn't actually a Tyros available at the minute to take in to consideration - but regardless, we're talking £2000+.

Do you think I'll be happy with my choice? I think it is a good price for the 910 and while the 950 will undoubtedly be superior......will it be £1000+ better than the 910.

I know everything is subjective but just thought I'd ask others thoughts on the above.
