Mockie ... I respect your opinion that Classical music is not meant for accordion, but I also respectfully disagree ... many of us who started - and those who continue - our music careers on accordion have performed in competitions and concerts playing Classical music as soloists or in duets or combos and even orchestras ... highly regarded composers have written concertos for solo accordion or accordion and orchestra and some top accordion artists have performed Classical pieces with full symphony orchestras ...
Fortunately there are people with some high standing in the music industry who do not choose to denigrate the accordion and relegate it to folk music, etc., but rather accept it as the unique musical instrument it is with possibilities for use in MANY music venues ...
I realize this will not change the distaste and/or attitude of people who do not 'like' the accordion or think it should only be used for folk music, nor am I trying too ... I'm just presenting MY humble opinion ...
PS ... and the young man in the video seemed 'quite at home' on the instrument he was playing ... grin

Edited by tony mads usa (09/27/12 09:03 AM)
t. cool