Originally posted by leezone:
AUDYA stays OS3
AUDYA4 gets OS4
AUDYA5 gets OS5


i'm sure all 3 will get OS4 soon

what's the countdown at?
oh yeh,
one million three hundred, one million two...one million...

Technically Audya has got OS4, at least that's what it reads on my startup screen We are only missing the new sounds - so okay maybe its just half an OS4 actually .
But I heard through the grapevine that due to the economical crisis, Ketron decided to copy the package to some spare floppy disks they had lying around – the size was apparently so huge that it took up app. 1000 discs! These have already been shipped overseas by carrier pigeons. Unfortunately some weird dust cloud coming in from Iceland sidetracked the pigeons – so who knows when to expect them?

Cheers and good luck.

[This message has been edited by Morten Jonassen (edited 04-27-2010).]