Thank you very much Sandi,
In a first line I would like to know haw Audio drums looks like.I cant fined any explanation about haw is organized and if that audio file haw intro and ending parts like Midi drums haw and separated with markers.
In my case I simply change Midi drums with Audio drums in Style view on Audya,but result is not so good.Drums make one or two mesure after Style stop to play.
Your explanation is just fine to solve problems with Intro and Ending parts,but I would like to know much about audio parts organizing.
The same problem is with Audio Guitar who dont recognize Brake comand and stil play after that comand.
My opinian all about that problems is:Ketron must give as a chance to export Styles in some PC sequencer like Sonar with some simple program for.All athers manufacturers like Yamaha ,Korg,Roland haw that chance....
