Originally Posted By: Songman55
Donny, I agree with you. This is an absolutely amazing instrument. I have been fascinated by the whole concept since I first heard of it several months ago. I'd love to get my hands on one. My concerns are these. It would have to be a creative, fantasy instrument for me. I could use it out once in awhile for the right wedding. For my playing needs for that kind of instrument, I would need at least the 76 note model or the 88 key version. The 61 would not be enough for that kind of playing and those upper two units are expensive. I can't imagine using it on a job unless I was 20 years younger. And I already have my fantasy keyboard, my Yamaha C3 6 foot grand piano. This satisfies a lot of creative outlets. I already have one piano CD out and I recorded a new one in Seattle in the fall which I will be releasing in the spring. However, I must say, in a perfect world, I'd have an 88 key version of the Kronos in my studio. Who knows what might happen?


Yamaha Tyros 1, S 900, Roland RD 700, Yamaha C3


I'm sooooo green with envy you have the Yamaha C3. What a gorgeous instrument inside and out. I always felt my playing skills could not warrant a purchase like that. Maybe I'd be a better player if I had one! hmmmm.

It's funny the choices we make.

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