Greetings folks,
I have been lurking around here for years, picking up valuable info from you pros, but not really engaging. I hope that you keep up the lively discussion and bantering. It's great to hear you expression your passionate viewpoints. I expect to start participating in the forum.

To start, could someone very briefly define the terms TOTL and MOTL, and help explain the differences and how they apply to the major boards on the market? I would appreciate it.

I've been wanting a new Yamaha board for a long time, and was hoping to see a new top of the line T-5 or something to top the Tyros4. But alas, it seems like emphasis is moving toward micros and mid range boards. Thanks to those of you who are posting NAMM reports. Keep it up.

I'm really thankful for this synthzone forum and to be in your company. I'm anxious to post my first demo for your critiques very soon! Happy Playing. Russ B. Dallas/Fort Worth
Russ Bolduc

PSR S900
Kurzweil PC3X
Logitech Z