Hello Don,
Thanks for the reply. So, it's a matter of how the registrations are idenitfied since lists are alphabetical or numerical in terms of the style lists/files.
What I also wanted to know is how quickly can I mix style playing with midi file playing? (I think I recall that you may not use any midi) Example, one of the sets that I do is Dean Martin tribute. It consists of about 15 tunes - 10 styles, 5 midi files (more or less). I have several sets like that, Prima, Frank etc. The files and styles are not necessarily grouped so that I can just play out all the midis and then go to the style file. As you already know, in the PA800, I just make a custom list which can include both media, and I can go immediatly, one tune to the other, in order, by just hitting "next". With the XP, I have 2 seperate lists and have to traverse from the saved style registrations list (memories) to file "playlists", a matter of pushing the "memories" button or the "Data Base" button then "list" and vice versa.
Again, if it's not possible to mix styles and files in the same playlist, Is there an expiditious way to get through a set list with the Midjay? Thanks again Don.