Originally Posted By: shay_el

Hello AJ

The main problem that the new update version

1. MIDI problems when you have a problem with an external connector of the rate suddenly jumps
>>>AJ: Please explain a little further. Are you saying when there is an issue with the external Midi controller, then AUDYA jumps/freezes/stalls?

2. still have problems switching between styles as soon as you put the rhythm loops
>>>AJ: What happens when you switch between styles? Are you switching when styles are playing (e.g playing country style and as the style is playing, pick say a Ballad? If yes - what happens under this scenario? Which style are you switching to and from exactly (so I try to replicate the 'error' here)?

3. still can not jump from INT 1 INT ​​2
>>>AJ: True, but this is not a bugg!

All this after my test in 3 keyboards ketron audya 5


Shay Elhadad