Originally Posted By: NiteLife
I'm curious why nothing has been mentioned about the CPU??? Especially with AJ's OS and Hardware upgrades.

Lots of new stuff, but same old Processor?

Has anyone else given this some thought?

Most of us computer geeks know the CPU is the most vital and important component in any Computer.

My Audya has been performing Glitch Free now for the past six or seven months. I'm almost afraid to do the upgrades for fear of stirring up problems again.


Well changing the CPU won't most likely fix any bugs, just make it handle things a little smoother/faster. And of course any CPU upgrade has to to be the same family with 100% backward compatibility. By the way what CPU does the Audya use?

If you have no reason to update because your keyboard is working flawlessly then you would be foolish to risk that changing. I agree with Lee ... if it aint broke ....