Take this with a grain of salt, as I struggle with live sound, but a gig I had two weeks ago was the best sound I have ever had and I used that very Edirol mixer. Of course, it could have been the room acoustics. I used it again last weekend and sound was fine. I can't say it was stellar, as I had to keep the volume down low for this particular party and I really couldn't hear myself that well. And... I have yet to master the room acoustics feature. The menu-driven interface is not exactly intuitive. Yet, it probably is very powerful, I just have to dig in more. Another thing I like about the Edirol is it can run on batteries. I have the Roland BA330 amp that also runs on batteries. For a guy and a guitar gig, nothing could be simpler, I am going to try that out. Of course, even simpler for that would be no mixer at all, but something is awry with my reverb on that amp.
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