Originally Posted By: Nick G
There is talk about this on the Motifator forum as well as various google searches...

sounds like it has the same wav rom as the Motif XS, comes in 61 note and 88 balanced hammer.

not sure what are rumours and what aren't but most of the info makes sense and doesn't sound too far fetched..

1217 voices
- Black in colour
- 355 MB Samples from the Motif XS
- 256 performance with four arpeggiators
- Recording on the Yamaha mox
- Sequencer
- Advanced integration with DAWs and virtual instruments
- Built-in audio interface with four inputs and two outputs
- USB port
- Bundled with the Yamaha YC-3B and Steinberg Virtual Analog Prologue



Good find Nick...the 88 may be worth a look. The S90XS was way too long, as was the S70XS for that matter.
