Jen and I were getting up for work. As usual I was up and she was sleeping throught the radio alarm. I was only half listening, but heard something about a plane striking the World Trade Center.

After awhile as she got up and I was listening I realized it was not like when in the past a small plane had struck the Empire State building or something, so, we turned on the TV and in a few minutes saw live the second plane. We were of course floored.

We then went to the mall where we both worked in the home organ business. I soon saw guys circling the mall on bikes wearing crash helmuts. I thought it was already a special force out to keep an eye on things in case more things were in store as in locally. The others said no that couldn't be. Well, it did turn out to be that, and it wasn't long that the mall, in Penscola, FL mind you, was closed due to concern over people in public places and something else turning up with terrorist's.

What a day. You know bad enough as it was I understand that the Statue Of Liberty was also on the hit list. Am I glad that wasn't touched.

It was interesting reliving that experience. I really hadn't thought about it that much for awhile.
