Heads up to iPad owners:

I recently purchased & recommend this terrific anti-glare screen protector for the iPad:

Moshi iVisor AG for iPad

Screen protectors are notoriously difficult to apply on larger iPad screens without annoying bubbles appearing. The first iPad anti-glare screen protector I tried months ago was from PowerSupport, but unfortunately I wasn't able to apply it without bubbles appearing. Now finally, with the Moshi iVisor AG (thanks to Tapas for initially recommending this to me), not only are bubbles a thing of the past, but it took only a minute to easily apply. Without an anti-glare screen protector, the iPad screen is highly reflective (like a mirror), making it difficult to view when external light hits it at certain angles. Though the anti-glare screen protector reduces the image sharpness & brightness ever so slightly, the difference is hardly noticeable compared to vast anti-glare improvement it provides. The other big advantage of this anti-glare screen protector is that there are no longer annoying finger prints appearing on the screen to constantly have to wipe away. That was definitely an inconvenience with the naked screen.

I'm ready for my outdoor gigs in full sun light now. Today's weather forecast in the San Francisco Bay Area is 68 degrees and sunny afterall. smile