Here are the stats for my website:-

Web Browsers Visitors % Total

Internet Explorer 6.x 44991 70.29 %
Mozilla 6479 10.12 %
Firefox 3.x 2421 3.78 %
Internet Explorer 8.x 2361 3.69 %
Internet Explorer 7.x 1640 2.56 %
AOL 1511 2.36 %
Internet Explorer 5.x 1404 2.19 %
Safari 1327 2.07 %
Unknown Browser 580 0.91 %
Netscape 7.x 350 0.55 %
Netscape 2.x 346 0.54 %
Google Chrome 256 0.40 %
Opera 7.x 142 0.22 %
Firefox 2.x 65 0.10 %
Internet Explorer 55 0.09 %
Web TV 30 0.05 %
Netscape 4.x 25 0.04 %
Internet Explorer 4.x 15 0.02 %
Opera 6.x 4 0.01 %
Netscape 6.x 3 0.00 %
Search Engines 2 0.00 %
Lynx 0 0.00 %
Galeon 0 0.00 %
Konqueror 0 0.00 %
Opera 0 0.00 %
Be OS Net Positive 0 0.00 %
Netscape 3.x 0 0.00 %
Internet Explorer 3.x 0 0.00 %
Blackberry 0 0.00 %
Opera 5.x 0 0.00 %

I cannot believe how many are still using IE6!

Edited by eddiefromrotherham (02/07/11 12:21 AM)
Eddie from Rotherham