Speaking of looks, a couple of years ago, when I went on break, the little hostess was laughing her butt off. When I asked what was up, she said, "Did you see those two ladies leaving"? (I hadn't). She continued, "When they paid their bill they said, "You know, if you just don't look up there (the bandstand), he sounds MUCH YOUNGER and WAY BETTER LOOKING than he really is"!


Then, one of the high points of my career: I used to play at a Ramada Inn, where an airline (Piedmont) over-nited their crews. I was young, wild and dumb. I noticed my photo missing from the billboard just off the dining room/lounge area.

Several weeks later, a young Flight attendant showed me a photo of an area in Miami, where flight attendants waited for their flights to be called.

There, on the wall, was my P/R photo from the lobby with the sign:


Kind of makes a fellow proud! (LOL)

Russ (Former UGLY Horn dog) Lay