Originally Posted By: spalding1968
The Kronos lot are not the target audience of the PA3X Bill. People like me are and if you go on the Korg Forum , people who were ready with their cheque book to buy the PA 3X WITHOUT SEEING OR HEARING IT are questioning now whether they will but it. You will notice a distinct lack of interest and very few people talking about buying the PA3X based upon these demos.

If thats not damage then i dont know what is. Even those that are interested are not saying ' wow what a great instrument, it sounds so much better than the PA2X ' . The most positive comments they can muster is ' i hope Korg come up with better demos ' or 'i hope that Korg have some more DNC sounds than the violin and harmonica'. Or ' i hope this is not the finished product ' !!

WOW what a GREAT instument the PA3x is. Yes I am interested and gonna buy one. I am also interested in the Kronos and if I have the money I buy both.