Originally posted by abacus:
The only way you can have an ASIO Host is if you have an ASIO driver, if you use something else it is no longer an ASIO Host. (ASIO Host is just a name that describes a host that is connected to an ASIO driver; if it was connected to a WDM driver (For instance) it would be a WDM Host)

If the software (?) you mention was that good, the developer would be either shouting about it from the tree tops, or registering it so that he could sell it to make money, as neither is occurring it can’t be that good.


O, sorry i mean multiple VSTHost and VST and Not Asiohost, sorry for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

i hope nigel change this to VSTHOST.

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 05-14-2010).]